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  • Pete Wildman

10 tips to ace your next interview

1. Seriously, you've got this.

2. But don't kill anyone....

2. ....Or set fire to anyone.

4. Be yourself (if you're not, you'll probably end up in a role that really isn't you). It's the professional equivalent of 'faking it' on a first date - you might get a second date, and a third, but if you can't be yourself, it's a doomed relationship right off the bat. If it turns out to be a role or organisation that's 'not you', that's okay - an interview is a two way thing - you're each assessing the other for suitability.

5. You may be a little nervous (that's normal) but try not to vomit up the chicken noodles you crammed down your throat in 10 seconds at lunch because you were running late for your interview (easily avoided by not running late, so give yourself plenty of time and aim to arrive a few minutes early.

6. Prepare. Speak to your recruiter for some interview prep - they'll put you in the know so that you go into your interview prepared. It makes a big difference.

7. Try not to talk money at this stage - focus on whether you're the right person to deliver what they're looking to achieve, and whether the role, team, line manager, and organisation, are a good fit for what you want to achieve. If these things align, let us negotiate package on your behalf. It's one of the things we're pretty good at.

8. Refer back to items 2 and 3. As the interview progresses, and you become more familiar with your interviewers, these remain important aspects of accepted interview etiquette.

9. Know your stuff. Provide specifics, such as quantifiable results against your current KPI's, and/or measurable, significant achievements in previous roles. Deliver this information without an inflated ego, and your interviewers will luuurve you for it (as long as your results have been good, obviously).

10. As the interview winds up, thank the interviewer/s for the opportunity to discuss the opportunity with them, ask whether they need anything more from you at this stage, and clarify what the next steps will be. While the interview's fresh in your mind, call your recruiter to debrief. The more they know about the interview, and anything you feel you should have done differently, the better they can support your application.

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